Winter Track
All Cross Country and Track + Field athletes not participating in a winter sport at SFD are asked to take part in the Winter Track conditioning season. We will work 3 days a week with running, strength, lifting, stability and flexibility training, and will attend 4-5 indoor Track Meets hosted by various universities around the state of Ohio.
This program is absolutely crucial for runners. We all like to think that we can push ourselves to stay fit and conditioned throughout our Ohio winters, but this is not likely. We do take the time indoors to work on some of the parts of training that some runners like to ignore on their own. Stability and flexibility training, for example, are difficult to do on your own but are absolutely crucial for healthy running and competition.
Winter training carries us right through to outdoor Track + Field season. Athletes that put the work in during our Winter Track season, find themselves much more prepared for outdoor season. This decreases the amount of time we have to take to quickly build a training base for runners while fighting the often cold and snowy beginnings of outdoor track.